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Check valve

A check valve is a type of valve that allows fluid to flow in only one direction. It operates by opening in response to pressure in the intended direction of flow and closing in response to backflow or reverse flow. Check valves are commonly used in fluid systems to prevent backflow and protect pumps, compressors, and other equipment from damage. There are different types of check valves, such as bolt cover, cast steel bolted bonnet, ball check valves, swing check valves, and piston check valves, each with its own specific design and application. We can supply a wide range of check valves and meet all the requirements of customers for many different industrial applications. Please send me your inquiry with specifications of what industrial purpose of applications and what international standars requirements have to be fullfilled. 

Korean  best supplier for check valves

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​Cast Steel

Bolted Bonnet


​SW / CH KS 10K / ASME 150LB - SW / CH KS 20K / ASME 300LB

Bolted Cover


SW / CH KS 40K / ASME 600LB - SW / CH KS 63K / ASME 900LB

Bolted Cover


SW / CH ASME 1500LB - SW / CH ASME 2500LB

Bolted Cover

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